June 19, 2020

Think Like A Workfront Admin: Creating Reports Like a Pro | Advanced Views Part 2

Now it’s time to create our Task report. When creating a new report, it is always best practice to create a name and write a description for the report. The name should be descriptive enough to alert the user what the report is and the description should explain what the report shows.

Report Name: My Tasks Due this Week

Report Description: The My Tasks Due this Week report displays tasks that I am assigned to and have a planned completion date in the current week.



  1. Navigate to the Reporting area, select “New Report”, and choose the Task report.
  2. Navigate to the “Report Settings” dropdown and add the Report Title and Description. Select Done, when complete.
  3. Add the following columns: Project Name, Task Name, Status, Assignments, Planned Start Date, Planned Completion Date, Planned Hours, Actual Hours.
  4. Select “Add Column” and drag the new column between Planned Completion Date and Planned Hours,
  5. Confirm the new Column is highlighted blue then select Switch to Text Mode (upper right corner).
  6. Set the displayname to “Days Remaining”.
  7. Create a new line and type: textmode=true
    • This action alerts Workfront that we are using custom text mode rather than using standard fields.
  8. Create a new line for the valueexpression, which will leverage three functions: ROUND, DATEDIFF, and DATE
    • Remember to reference the API Explorer for the camel case values for object fields.
    • Set the valueexpression to: valueexpression=ROUND(DATEDIFF({plannedCompletionDate},DATE($$TODAY)),2)
    • DATE($$TODAY): calculates the date within the parenthesis and we used the $$TODAY wildcard to calculate today’s date.
    • DATEDIFF: calculates the number of days between two dates and we used the Planned Completion Date (camel case form) and DATE($$TODAY) dates.
    • IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to enclose your Workfront field between curly brackets: {plannedCompletionDate}
    • ROUND: rounds the value to the number of decimal places identified, which is 2 in our example.
  9. Create a new line for the valueformat.
    • Set the valueformat to: valueformat=doubleAsDouble
    • The valueformat formats the value of the valueexpression in the report when displayed.
  10. Select “Save”.
  11. Select “Add Column” and confirm that the column displays after the Actual Hours column.
  12. Confirm the new Column is highlighted blue then select Switch to Text Mode (upper right corner).
  13. Set the displayname to “Hours Remaining”.
  14. Create a new line and type: textmode=true
  15. Create a new line for the valueexpression, which will leverage three functions: ROUND, DIV, and SUB.
    • Set the valueexpression to: valueexpression= valueexpression=ROUND(DIV(SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}),60))
    • SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired): calculates the difference between two fields and we used workRequired (planned hours) and actualWorkRequired (actual hours).
    • DIV: divides two numbers and we used SUB({workRequired},{actualWorkRequired}) and 60; We need to divide by 60 because Workfront uses seconds rather than minutes within the SUB function.
    • ROUND: rounds the value to the number of decimal places identified, which is 2 in our example.
  16. Create a new line for the valueformat.
    • Set the valueformat to: valueformat=doubleAsDouble
  17. Select “Save”.


After you have added both custom columns, select “Save + Close”. The report should look similar to the following:


In Part III, I will share the text mode code for a Task report and an Assignment report and introduce the series of blogs in the Create Reports Like a Pro series.

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