October 6, 2022

The Secret to Super Charging Sales Enablement

Don’t Let a Lack of Connected Systems Stand in Your Way

Buyers are worn-out. Their inboxes are overcrowded and they’re tired of receiving the same corporate mumbo jumbo. Spam gets quickly filtered out and anything that isn’t of high importance immediately gets ignored. In order to cut through this digital clutter, sellers need to wow potential prospects by delivering relevant, personalized information at every stage of the buyer’s journey. But when marketing is responsible for developing the content sellers need access to, there can often be a big disconnect.

Seismic’s AI-powered enablement solution helps organizations take a giant leap forward in facilitating that connection. It simplifies access to a library of content that sellers feel was personalized just for them and for the deal they’re working on right now. It also streamlines the way sales teams can share that content with customers and prospects and provides detailed metrics and metadata that helps teams know what’s working and what isn’t. 

But there’s a step (or two or three) between marketing teams publishing content and getting it loaded into Seismic. Assets need to be dropped into folders, tagged, and then published. And if marketing teams are already using a digital asset management system, some of those steps could be duplicative.

For organizations that are already leveraging (or wanting to leverage) Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), duplicity can be removed with a standard connector implemented by LeapPoint.  The Seismic AEM Connector automates content distribution directly from AEM Assets into Seismic, increasing operational efficiency and content usage.

It looks a little something like this:

Pretty straightforward, right? With Adobe and Seismic connected, marketers and sellers get to work smarter, not harder. They can save time, ensure consistency, centralize processes, automate content distribution, and measure performance. A win-win for all.

To see how your job could be made easier with the Seismic Connector for AEM, watch this short video

Ready to make the connection? LeapPoint can help you plan, design, implement, and test Connector configuration. Our consultants will map metadata, tagging, folders, and business rules; provide training and documentation; as well as post-go-live support. You can learn more about our services here.


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